Thursday, 20 October 2022

The Power of Comms


I used to love blogging and at one point had a sizeable world audience but the world has changed and sadly blogging has become the poor relation of other social media, which is a shame as it offers both more depth and longevity.

Then again, there is so much it became unsafe to talk about without at least risking losing your account, if not your life, under mysterious circumstances, if you had a large enough audience.

I do believe humanity is finally winning though and for that I rejoice.

I have recently become involved in my new local Union of Free Speech, and a bit of a public speaker myself. It has been both eye opening and refreshing to note the rising appetite to make free speech fashionable again and the growing realisation that agendas are not always intended for humanity's benefit.

Even now it seems hard to believe that whole families decided they no longer loved one another based on whether they all took the same pharmaceutical product or not - and had any confidence in the powers of their own imbibement - as little as a year ago. Thankfully many such divisions are now on the way to being healed, though not without some pretty devastating collateral damage in many forms. The horrors of mandates and restrictions too are now lifting in many countries as the threat of major lawsuits looms.

What became clear is that governments never take away human rights with any intention of giving them back. Freedom is not free. Human freedom must be fought for. And Plato was right, 'Silence is consent'. 

Notwitstanding, all manner of abuses and wealth heists can be perpetuated under the guise of 'for your own safety'.

The world wealth heist/transfer now continues with the threat of collapsing banks and clim.ate lockdowns, not to mention neverending panicdemics with the new messaging that it's all our fault. Because the middle class and poor are obviously the over-consumers here and deserve every blackout they get.

I still maintain humanity will win though and choose to keep my vibes high.

But the quicker we all find our own voices and speak up, the quicker this will happen. Forget the friends and family you might lose as a result. You'll make new and better friends. I have. To live one's life based on the fear of what others might think of us or what we think they think of us - because how many of us bother to check? Well, it's frankly ludicrous. And here's the rub. In most cases they don't give a damn. It is all in our minds. They have their own fears and phobias to feed - such as what we might think of them!

I like to be 'kind', polite and considerate. But I will no longer do so to my own detriment or if undermining who I am is the price. Or just because I am a girl and expected to behave in a certain way. And how interesting the 'be kind' messaging was everywhere just before the pandemic. As if grooming us to believe it was 'unkind' to ask any questions.

Well what's real will stand up on its own feet. It needs no prepping, propping, programming or propadanda. It needs no cen.sorship so people can't talk about it without penalty.

Like a lion, it just is. It is only lies which are full of holes and liable to fall if not pumped full of human belief and reinforcement at regular intervals.

If for example the cl.imate cri.sis is real, it does not require my belief in it in order to be real.

Not only will everything real survive being challenged, it will welcome it. It has nothing to hide and nothing to fear. The real just is.

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