'Mummy, why don't they print more money so that there's no poor people?' was a question oft-asked in my tenderest years. And while I watched a mother scarcely more conversant in the mysterious ways of economics than my six year old self struggle to explain why this was not possible and would throw the whole banking world out of kilter, I experienced an odd sort of satisfaction that she had no satisfactory answer, therefore I was onto something. This week I know for sure that I was - they are actually doing it!
Let's Print More Money (if only to bail out the economy itself rather than the actual poor).
My mother answered my other most often-asked question, prompted by a 'If you lived in the Third Word, you'd be glad of that' regarding my uneaten greens upon the plate and my generous offer of 'Why don't we send them to them then?' with an eloquent clip round the ear.
Every so often it crosses my mind that I would like to get fit before the body of a gazelle I have always enjoyed and taken for granted shape-shifts into more of a moose. Normally I deal with this idea by having a little lie down until the idea goes away again as I am just not a self-starter on the exercise front, and in the absence of a daily presence in my life to nag/egg me on, I do find it inordinately hard. However you will be pleased to hear I have made a bit of a start and clicked the mouse button two whole times to discover the following dizzying array of local exercise classes available during the coming week via our wonderful local website - every town should have one -
Daily Information. Sorry about all the scrolling (well you need a bit of exercise too, admit it!) but I felt impelled to include the details as well as the headings so that you could see that I am not making it up - these are all REAL classes!
*By the way, there's an extra bit of this posting at the end of the list.
Saturday 10th January - Sports and Fitness Listings Astanga Yoga (Primary Series)Re-align & detoxify your body & with this ancient practice. All levels welcome.
email: darrylastanga@hotmail.com / Tel. Darryl on 07788 743181
5.30 - 7.00pm, £7.50 (£6)
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Oxford Martial Arts AcademyMuay Thai, Boxing, Brazilain Jiu Jitsu, M.M.A , Brazilian Vale Tudo
www.OMAA.org.uk / email: info@omaa.org.uk / Tel. 07906628444 OR 01865 774 998.
6pm - 9.30pm £4.10
381 Cowley Rd
Winter Yoga Workshop Sue PenningtonHarmonise your practice with the season, and recharge your batteries.
email: suepennington@yahoo.com / Tel. 01865 776759
10am - 4pm, £40 / £35 / £30
Thrangu House, 42 Magdalen Road.
Amateur Boxing Oxford Brookes ABCTrain at one of the best University Clubs in the country!
email: oxfordboxing@googlemail.com / Tel. 01993 774407
Oxford Brookes University Sport Centre, Cheney Lane, Oxford
Sun 11th Jan — Sports and Fitness ListingsWomens Football Headington Athletic WFCHeadington Athletic WFC welcome new experienced players
www.freewebs.com/headingtonathleticwfc / email: womensfootball@hotmail.co.uk / Tel. 07727277080
Matches 2 or 3pm ko - £3.50 or £1.75 (In full time education or not in work)
The Lord Nuffield Club, William Morris Close, Cowley., OX4 2JX
Jericho Ultimate FrisbeeFun, fast-paced team game for all ages. ALL abilities welcome!
Tel. 01865 512634
3-5pm - free.
Aristotle Lane rec ground (go up Kingston Road, turn left at the Anchor pub towards Portmeadow, over humpbacked bridge, it's on the left)
Morning Astanga Yoga Classes Bella Galt and Emanuele RossiMysore-style yoga, beginners welcome! Starts on 5th January 2009.
www.astangavinyasaoxford.net / email: yasmin@astangavinyasaoxford.net / Tel. 07967 674 029
6:30 - 9:00 AM
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Antenatal Pilates Ivana StarkovaThe best way to prepare your body for the delivery of the baby and improve posture.
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818 062351
10-11am, £15, £70 for 6
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Antenatal Pilates Ivana Starkova2nd & 3rd trimester - strengthen postural and pelvic floor muscles, ease back pain
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 0781 806 2351
10-11am, £15, £70 for 6
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Post-natal Pilates Ivana StarkovaExercises designed to strenghten abdominals & pelvic floor muscles, babies welcome
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818062351
11.15 - 12.15pm, £70 for 6
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Walk Oxon 20s 30s Walkers6 mile walk around Badbury Hill, Coleshill & Faringdon area. Bring packed lunch.
www.oxon2030walkers.org / email: publicity@oxon2030walkers.org / Tel. 07787840342
National trust car park at Badbury Hill, off the B4019 between Faringdon & Coleshill. Grid ref SU263946
Walk Oxon Weekend Walkers8.5 mile walk around Blewbury area. Bring packed lunch.
www.oxon2030walkers.org / email: publicity@oxon2030walkers.org / Tel. 01235 525529
Meet in Blewbury, on A417 near war memorial (western end of village). Please park considerately in village. Grid ref SU527856
Tiger Kung Fu Classes Classic Tiger Kung Fu ClubClassic Chinese Martial Arts: friendly classes suitable for all levels
2-3:30pm; £3 students; £6 non-students
Centre for Sport, Brookes University, Headington
Mon 12th Jan — Sports and Fitness ListingsJazzercise In Oxford Join now!60 min excercise class with the latest music and dances
www.witneyfitness.co.uk / email: helen2weller@hotmail.com
7pm / £6 a session or £16/m
Botley Primary School, Elms Road, West Oxford
Pilates ...with Tiago45 min to mobilise, strengthen and stretch the back and the whole body.
www.functional-pilates.com / email: tiago.instructor@gmail.com / Tel. 07760444416
13:15-14:00, £8 drop-in, £39 for 6 classes
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Pilates ...withTiago60 min to mobilise, strengthen and stretch the back and the whole body.
http://functional-pilates.com / email: tiago.instructor@gmail.com / Tel. 07760444416
18:15-19:15, £7 (£6) drop-in
West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, OX2 0BT.
Oxford Martial Arts AcademyMuay Thai, Boxing, Brazilain Jiu Jitsu, M.M.A , Brazilian Vale Tudo
www.OMAA.org.uk / email: info@omaa.org.uk / Tel. 07906628444 OR 01865 774 998.
6pm - 9.30pm £4.10
381 Cowley Rd
Intermediate & Advanced Qigong Oxford Internal ArtsHead tutors to UK's largest college of Chinese Medicine
www.oxinar.com / email: oxfordinternalarts@googlemail.com / Tel. 07986 621112
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Intermediate Tai Chi Oxford Internal ArtsHead tutors to UK's largest college of Chinese Medicine
www.oxinar.com / email: oxfordinternalarts@googlemail.com / Tel. 07986 621112
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Ashtanga YogaMixed ability, led classes. Strong, dynamic, energising yoga. Beginners welcome.
www.sashanorton.co.uk / email: sasha.norton@yahoo.com / Tel. 07710 237162
6.15 - 7.15pm.
Ozone Health & Fitness, nr Kassam Football Stadium (01865) 335300
Pilates Matwork Ivana StarkovaStott instructor. Improve posture, strengthen lower back & abs,ease back pain. Beginner / intermediate level.
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818062351
7:15-8:15pm / £11, £54 for 6
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Antenatal Pilates Ivana Starkova2nd & 3rd trimester, work postural & pelvic floor muscles, ease back pain
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818062351
6-7pm, £15 / £70 for 6 weeks
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Kung Fu Fujian White Crane Oxford ClubTraditional Chinese Martial Art. Beginners welcome.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198 698
East Oxford Community Centre, 44b Princes Street (corner of Cowley Rd), OX4 1DD.
Flamenco Dance Course Oxford Flamenco AcademyFlamenco Classes - Intermediate 7.30pm - 9.00pm, Beginners 8.30pm - 10.00pm
www.oxfordflamencoacademy.co.uk / email: info@oxfordflamencoacademy.co.uk / Tel. 01865 553234 / 07904 260636
North Wall Arts Centre , South Parade, Oxford OX2 7NN; Email: sarahlacey@thenorthwall.com; Tel. 01865 319450.
Cotswold Slimming ClubHelp losing weight. No queues. Limited membership. A new choice in Oxford!
www.cotswoldslimmingclubs.co.uk / email: val.collins@cotswoldslimmingclubs.co.uk / Tel. 07528486875
£7.50 register- £5.00 pw 12.30pm
Oxford Playhouse , Beaumont Street; Tel. 305305; Fax: 793748.
Morning Astanga Yoga Classes Bella Galt and Emanuele RossiMysore-style yoga, beginners welcome! Starts on 5th January 2009.
www.astangavinyasaoxford.net / email: yasmin@astangavinyasaoxford.net / Tel. 07967 674 029
6:30 - 9:00 AM
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Yoga Anita Lewis. Restarts 12th JanFor beginner/experienced students wanting gentle yoga with inner focus.
www.anitalewisyoga.com / email: anita@anitalewisyoga.com / Tel. 07726 841815
6-7.30pm £8/£7 drop-in
South Oxford Community Centre, Lake Street, off Abingdon Rd.
Lunchtime Pilates Class Ivana StarkovaStrengthen abs & lower back, improve posture, ease back pain, intermediate.
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818062351
12.15 - 1pm, £8, £3 for 6
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Pilates Lessonsemail: charleyfp@googlemail.com / Tel. 07515770136
6pm-7pm £7 per lesson
South Oxford Community Centre, Lake Street, off Abingdon Rd.
Ananda YogaTibetan yoga.
Tel. Emilia, 07776092373
Beginners and mixed ability. 7pm - 8pm, £65/term or £7 (£5) drop in
Methodist Church Hall (East Oxford), Corner of Cowley Road and Jeune Street.
Ladies Only Kung Fu Class FWC Oxford ClubLadies Only Martial Arts class - great introduction for beginners.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198698
Headington Community Centre, Gladstone Road, OX3 8LL.
Womens Boxercise Oxford Womens BoxerciseGet Fit, Burn Fat, Relieve Stress.
email: faz1@fsmail.net / Tel. 01993 774407
6.15-7.15 p.m
Headington Community Centre, Gladstone Road, OX3 8LL.
Tue 13th Jan — Sports and Fitness ListingsOxford Martial Arts Academy
Muay Thai, Boxing, Brazilain Jiu Jitsu, M.M.A , Brazilian Vale Tudowww.OMAA.org.uk / email: info@omaa.org.uk / Tel. 07906628444 OR 01865 774 998.
6pm - 9.30pm £4.10
381 Cowley Rd
Taoist Breathing & Meditation Oxford Internal ArtsHead tutors to UK's largest college of Chinese Medicine
www.oxinar.com / email: oxfordinternalarts@googlemail.com / Tel. 07986 621112
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Tai Chi & Qigong Complete Foundation Oxford Internal ArtsHead tutors to UK's largest college of Chinese Medicine
www.oxinar.com / email: oxfordinternalarts@googlemail.com / Tel. 07986 621112
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Tai Chi & Qigong Student Class Oxford Internal ArtsHead tutors to UK's largest college of Chinese Medicine
www.oxinar.com / email: oxfordinternalarts@googlemail.com / Tel. 07986 621112
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Ashtanga YogaMixed ability, led classes. Strong, dynamic, energising yoga. Beginners welcome.
www.sashanorton.co.uk / email: sasha.norton@yahoo.com / Tel. 07710 237162
6pm - 7.15pm, £7 (£5.60)
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Pilates Beginners: Level 1 Wolff FitnessStott Pilates. Get a flat stomach, strengthen your back and improve posture.
email: pilates@wolfffitness.co.uk / Tel. 07771 923318
7.30pm, £35 for 5 sessions
Parish Church Hall, Avenue Rd, Kennington
Pilates Beginners: Level 1 Wolff FitnessStott Pilates. Get a flat stomach, strengthen your back and improve posture.
email: pilates@wolfffitness.co.uk / Tel. 07771 923318
10am, £40 for 5 sessions
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Suang Yang Fujian White Crane Oxford ClubSoft and gentle martial art famed for its health benefits. Beginners welcome.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198 698
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Kung Fu Fujian White Crane Oxford ClubTraditional Chinese Martial Art. Beginners welcome.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198 698
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Korfball: Mixed Sex Team Sport Didcot Dragons Korfball ClubA mixed sex team game which is like both netball + basketball. Beginners welcome.
www.geocities.com/didcotkorfball/ / email: didcotkorfball@hotmail.co.uk / Tel. 07796 388776
7:30-9pm, £5 per week
Willowbrook Leisure Centre, Didcot
Pilates Matwork For Beginners Ivana StarkovaProgression from post-natal Pilates class, improve posture, babies welcome.
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818062351
11.45am-12.45pm, £11, £54 for 6
West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, OX2 0BT.
Intermediate Yoga Class Sue PenningtonDeepen your practice. Asana/pranayama/relaxation.
email: suepennington@yahoo.com / Tel. 01865 776759
6 - 8pm, £10/£9/£8
Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, OX4 1GH.
Morning Astanga Yoga Classes Bella Galt and Emanuele RossiMysore-style yoga, beginners welcome! Starts on 5th January 2009.
www.astangavinyasaoxford.net / email: yasmin@astangavinyasaoxford.net / Tel. 07967 674 029
6:30 - 9:00 AM
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Hatha Yoga Anita LewisFor beginners /experienced students wanting gentle yoga with inner focus.
www.anitalewisyoga.com / email: anita@anitalewisyoga.com / Tel. 07726 841815
6-7.15pm £8/£7 (£42/6 weeks)
St. Albans Hall, Charles St
Yoga Anita LewisMeditative postures and breath focusing on inner awareness.
www.anitalewisyoga.com / email: anita@anitalewisyoga.com / Tel. 07726 841815
7.30-9pm, 6 weeks £45
St. Albans Hall, Charles St, OX4
Classical Tai Chi And Chi Kung Oxford T'ai Chi Ch'uan Assoc.Learn classical Yang Family Style Tai Chi and Chi Kung for health and wellbeing.
www.iffleyacupunctureclinic.co.uk / email: moonrise@globalnet.co.uk / Tel. 01865 778448
7.00-9.00pm £80/10 week term
Cowley Road Methodist Church
Active Body and MindYoga for over 50s.
Tel. Emilia, 07776092373
£1.50 (inc. drink and sandwich), 10 - 11am
The Clock House, Nightingale Avenue, Greater Leys
Korfball: Mixed Sex Team Sport Oxford Isis Korfball ClubFun, sociable team sport, like Handball/Basketball but better! Beginners welcome.
http://oxfordisis.co.uk / email: info@oxfordisis.co.uk
7 - 8.30 pm, try for free!
Matthew Arnold School, Arnolds Way, Oxford OX2 9JE
Womens Boxercise Get Fit, Burn Fat, Relieve Stress.
email: faz1@fsmail.net / Tel. 01993 774407
7.00 - 8.00 pm
Windrush Leisure Centre, Witney
Tai Chi Chuan Oxford Tai ChiMartial Arts training inc Push Hands and San Shou, Fitness Health and have fun!
www.oxfordtaichi / email: davetaichi@gmail / Tel. 01865724669
7.30-9.30pm £7/£5
East Oxford Community Centre, 44b Princes Street (corner of Cowley Rd), OX4 1DD.
Oxford Tai Chi Oxford Tai Chi CuanTaichi chuan martial art training inc push hands and san shou plus hand form
www.oxfordtaichi.com / email: davetaichi@gmail.com / Tel. 01865724669
7.30-9.30pm £7(£5)
East Oxford Community Centre, 44b Princes Street (corner of Cowley Rd), OX4 1DD.
Wed 14th Jan — Sports and Fitness ListingsOxford Martial Arts AcademyMuay Thai, Boxing, Brazilain Jiu Jitsu, M.M.A , Brazilian Vale Tudo
www.OMAA.org.uk / email: info@omaa.org.uk / Tel. 07906628444 OR 01865 774 998.
6pm - 9.30pm £4.10
381 Cowley Rd
Tai Chi & Qigong Complete Foundation Oxford Internal ArtsHead tutors to UK's largest college of Chinese Medicine
www.oxinar.com / email: oxfordinternalarts@googlemail.com / Tel. 07986 621112
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Taoist Breathing & Meditation Oxford Internal ArtsHead tutors to UK's largest college of Chinese Medicine
www.oxinar.com / email: oxfordinternalarts@googlemail.com / Tel. 07986 621112
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Intermediate Taoist Meditation Oxford Internal ArtsHead tutors to UK's largest college of Chinese Medicine
www.oxinar.com / email: oxfordinternalarts@googlemail.com / Tel. 07986 621112
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Bicycle PoloThe sport of kings, played on bikes.
email: oxfordbikepolo@gmail.com
8:30 every Wednesday. Free!
Curry's Parking Lot, Botley Rd.
Intermediate Pilates Matwork Ivana StarkovaStott instructor. Improve posture, strengthen abs & lower back, prevent back pain
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818062351
6-7pm / £54 for 6 weeks
North Oxford Association, Diamond Place, Summertown, Oxford, OX2 7DP.
Oxford Ladies Rugby Oxford Rugby Football ClubLadies, come and learn how to play Rugby, everyone welcome!
www.oxfordrfc.co.uk / email: lill_jenni@yahoo.co.uk
7-9 pm
Oxford RFC grounds are in North Hinksey Village, Oxford, off the A34.
Astanga-inspired Dynamic Yoga Lissa Rodd Oxford YogaFun & challenging yoga flow: for strength & flexibility, meditation & happiness.
www.lissarodd-oxfordyoga.net / email: lissa2516@yahoo.co.uk / Tel. 01865 426348
6:30-8pm / £8/£6.50 regulars' discount
St Alban's Hall, Charles Street (off Iffley Road), OX4 3AU
New Year Women's Cardio Class Aurora Personal FitnessLose weight & develop strength and flexibility in an all abilities dynamic class
email: crystaljapan@hotmail.com / Tel. 07730 941781
7-8pm, £4.50, £21 for 6
South Oxford Community Centre, Lake Street, off Abingdon Rd.
Morning Astanga Yoga Classes Bella Galt and Emanuele RossiMysore-style yoga, beginners welcome! Starts on 5th January 2009.
www.astangavinyasaoxford.net / email: yasmin@astangavinyasaoxford.net / Tel. 07967 674 029
6:30 - 9:00 AM
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Introduction To Astanga Yoga Please contact Yasmin AndrewMysore-style Classes for beginners. Six week course starts 7th January 2009.
www.astangavinyasaoxford.net / email: yasmin@astangavinyasaoxford.net / Tel. 07967674029
6:15 PM, £48 for six weeks
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Relaxation And Yoga. Anita LewisGentle yoga for women in a safe, peaceful environment. Bring a mat/blanket.
www.anitalewisyoga.com / email: anita@anitalewisyoga.com
4.30-5.30. Free. Women Only
Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, OX4 1GH.
Lunchtime Pilates Class Ivana tarkovaStrenghten abs & lower back, improve posture, ease back pain, intermediate.
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818062351
12.15 - 1pm, £8, £39 for 6
Old Fire Station, George Street
Ananda Yoga/Tibetan yoga.Tel. Emilia, 07776092373
Beginners and complete beginners. 7pm - 8pm, £65/term or £7 (£5) drop in
Methodist Church Hall (East Oxford), Corner of Cowley Road and Jeune Street.
Beginners Kung Fu FWC Oxford ClubA new class for beginners in Fujian White Crane Kung Fu.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198 698
South Oxford Community Centre, Lake Street, off Abingdon Rd.
Womens Boxercise Oxford Womens BoxerciseGet Fit, Burn Fat, Relieve Stress.
email: faz1@fsmail.net / Tel. 01993 774407
Summertown Church Hall, Portland Rd, Oxford, OX2 7EZ
Yoga Meditation RelaxationGently paced. Classic Iyengar/Ashtanga postures, focus on alignment and breath.
email: lauramansberger@yahoo.co.uk / Tel. 0796 348 2779
Wednesdays: 6:30-8:00pm. £6/£5
Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, OX4 1GH.
Oxford Tai Chi Oxford Tai Chi ChuanHealth Posture Correct Composure Relaxation Fitness Flexibility Gung and Form
www.oxfordtaichi.com / email: davetaichi@gmail.com / Tel. 01865724669
6.30-8pm £7 (£5)
East Oxford Community Centre, 44b Princes Street (corner of Cowley Rd), OX4 1DD.
Thu 15th Jan — Sports and Fitness ListingsBuggyfitPostnatal fitness class for mums and babies
www.buggyfit.co.uk / email: liz@expectingresults.co.uk / Tel. 07979341574
Thursdays 2-3pm. £4.50
Albert Park, Abingdon
Yoga (mixed ability) Sue PenningtonAll welcome, including beginners. Stretching, strengthening, relaxing.
email: suepennington@yahoo.com / Tel. 01865 776759
6-7.30pm / £8/£7/£6
Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, OX4 1GH.
Jazzercise In Oxford Join now!60 min excercise class with the latest music and dances
www.witneyfitness.co.uk / email: helen2weller@hotmail.com
7pm / £6 a session or £16/m
Botley Primary School, Elms Road, West Oxford
Pilates ...with Tiago60 min to mobilise, strengthen and stretch the back and the whole body. 6 week course
www.functional-pilates.com / email: tiago.instructor@gmail.com / Tel. 07760444416
19:15-20:15, £45
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Oxford Martial Arts AcademyMuay Thai, Boxing, Brazilain Jiu Jitsu, M.M.A , Brazilian Vale Tudo
www.OMAA.org.uk / email: info@omaa.org.uk / Tel. 07906628444 OR 01865 774 998.
6pm - 9.30pm £4.10
381 Cowley Rd
Womens Football Headington Athletic WFCHeadington Athletic WFC welcome new experienced players
www.freewebs.com/headingtonathleticwfc / email: womensfootball@hotmail.co.uk / Tel. 07727277080
Training evenings £2.50 or £1.25 (In full time education or not in work)
The Lord Nuffield Club, William Morris Close, Cowley., OX4 2JX
Ashtanga YogaMixed ability, led classes. Strong, dynamic, energising yoga. Beginners welcome.
www.sashanorton.co.uk / email: sasha.norton@yahoo.com / Tel. 07710 237162
10:30-12:00 / Enquire for prices
Ferry Sports Centre , off Marston Ferry Road, Summertown; Tel. 01865 467060.
Pilates Beginners: Level 1 Wolff FitnessStott Pilates. Get a flat stomach, strengthen your back and improve posture.
email: pilates@wolfffitness.co.uk / Tel. 07771 923318
9.30am, £35 for 5 sessions
Parish Church Hall, Avenue Rd, Kennington
Pilates Beginners: Level 1 Wolff FitnessStott Pilates. Get a flat stomach, strengthen your back and improve posture.
email: pilates@wolfffitness.co.uk / Tel. 07771 923318
6pm, £40 for 5 sessions
Holiday Inn Hotel, Peartree Roundabout, Woodstock Road, OX2 8JD.
Suang Yang Fujian White Crane Oxford ClubSoft and gentle martial art famed for its health benefits. Beginners welcome.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198 698
East Oxford Community Centre, 44b Princes Street (corner of Cowley Rd), OX4 1DD.
Kung Fu Fujian White Crane Oxford ClubTraditional Chinese Martial Art. Beginners welcome.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198 698
5.30-6.20pm (children), 7.30-8.30pm adults
East Oxford Community Centre, 44b Princes Street (corner of Cowley Rd), OX4 1DD.
Private Yoga Lessons Olivia Henderson at Eau de VieLearn balance in body and in mind. Suitable for any level of fitness and ability. With a British Wheel of Yoga accredited teacher.
www.eau-de-vie.co.uk / email: info@eau-de-vie.co.uk / Tel. 01865 200678
9.30 - 12.30pm £45 1 Hour/ £65 1.5 Hours
Eau de Vie, 34 Cowley Road, OX4 1HZ
Astanga-inspired Dynamic Yoga Lissa Rodd Oxford YogaFun & challenging yoga flow: for strength & flexibility, meditation & happiness.
www.lissarodd-oxfordyoga.net / email: lissa2516@yahoo.co.uk / Tel. 01865 426348
6:30-8pm / £8/£6.50 regulars' discount
St Alban's Hall, Charles Street (off Iffley Road), OX4 3AU
Pilates Matwork For Beginners Ivana StarkovaStott Instructor - strengthen abs, improve posture, ease back pain.
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 0781 8062351
6-7pm, £11, £54 for 6
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Pole Fitness Beginners CoursePole Fitness is a great way of keeping fit. Please ring or email for further info. 8 Week course.
email: lynnspolefitness@hotmail.co.uk / Tel. 07527170014
8.30-9.45pm, £12 per lesson or £85 for Course
Abingdon Dance Studios
Capoeira - SenzalaBrazilian martial art combining fighting techniques with acrobatics and music.
Tel. 07935 023534 (Andreas)
6.30-8.00pm, £5.
St Michael's Church Hall, Portland Road, Summertown, OX2 7EZ
Morning Astanga Yoga Classes Bella Galt and Emanuele RossiMysore-style yoga, beginners welcome! Starts on 5th January 2009.
www.astangavinyasaoxford.net / email: yasmin@astangavinyasaoxford.net / Tel. 07967 674 029
6:30 - 9:00 AM
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Adult Squash Coaching Ferry Sports CentreLooking to try something new? Learn how to play Squash
www.oxford.gov.uk/leisure/ferry-sports-centre.cfm / email: ferrysc@oxford.gov.uk / Tel. 01865 467060
7.00 - 8.00pm Beginners, 8.00 - 9.00pm Improvers. Prices from £39.60 - £45.00
Ferry Sports Centre , off Marston Ferry Road, Summertown; Tel. 01865 467060.
Jivamukti Yoga Dynamic flowing yoga with Nigel Farrar. All welcome.
email: nigelaf@hotmail.com / Tel. 07771 515327
6.30 - 8pm, £8 (£6)
St. Alban's Church hall, Charles St. (off Iffley Rd)
Korfball: Mixed Sex Team Sport Oxford City Korfball ClubFun, sociable team sport, like netball/basketball but better! Beginners welcome.
www.oxfordcitykorfballclub.co.uk / email: chairperson@oxfordkorfball.com
6.30 - 8.00 pm, try for free!
Oxford School, Glanville Rd.
Tiger Kung Fu Classes Classic Tiger Kung Fu ClubClassic Chinese Martial Arts: friendly classes suitable for all levels
7-8:30pm; £3 students; £6 non-students
Centre for Sport, Brookes University, Headington
David Lloyd Tai Chi Oxford Tai Chi ChuanComplete tai chi chuan classes open to all inc non members
www.oxfordtaichi.com / email: davetaichi@gmail / Tel. 01865724669
7-9pm £7 to non members
David Lloyd Oxford
Post-natal Pilates Class Ivana StarkovaStrenghten abs & pelvic floor muscles, babies welcome.
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 0781806 2351
12-1pm, £70 for 6 weeks
North Oxford Association, Diamond Place, Summertown, Oxford, OX2 7DP.
Fri 16th Jan — Sports and Fitness ListingsOxford Martial Arts AcademyMuay Thai, Boxing, Brazilain Jiu Jitsu, M.M.A , Brazilian Vale Tudo
www.OMAA.org.uk / email: info@omaa.org.uk / Tel. 07906628444 OR 01865 774 998.
6pm - 9.30pm £4.10
381 Cowley Rd
Suang Yang Fujian White Crane Oxford ClubSoft and gentle martial art famed for its health benefits. Beginners welcome.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198 698
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Kung Fu Fujian White Crane Oxford ClubTraditional Chinese Martial Art. Beginners welcome.
www.fwckungfu.com / email: stefanw@fwckungfu.com / Tel. 07957 198 698
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Astanga-inspired Dynamic Yoga Lissa Rodd Oxford YogaFun & challenging yoga flow: for strength & flexibility, meditation & happiness.
www.lissarodd-oxfordyoga.net / email: lissa2516@yahoo.co.uk / Tel. 01865 426348
6:30-8pm / £8/£6.50 regulars' discount
St Alban's Hall, Charles Street (off Iffley Road), OX4 3AU
Free Taster Session Tatty Bumpkin OxfordYoga inspired classes for children 2-5. Educational and FUN!!!
www.oxford.tattybumpkin.com / email: classes@oxford.tattybumpkin.com / Tel. 0845 6801519 or 07929 288964
10.30 & 11.30am FREE!!!!!
Summertown Church Hall, Corner of Banbury & Portland Rds, Summertown, OX2 7EZ.
Yoga Classes Yoga in OxfordYoga for energy, balance and peace of mind. Drop-in class; all welcome
www.yogainoxford.co.uk / email: joannajeczalik@yahoo.com / Tel. 01865 453307
6 - 7.15pm, £5.50, £4.50 concs
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Morning Astanga Yoga Classes Bella Galt and Emanuele RossiMysore-style yoga, beginners welcome! Starts on 5th January 2009.
www.astangavinyasaoxford.net / email: yasmin@astangavinyasaoxford.net / Tel. 07967 674 029
6:30 - 9:00 AM
Yoga Garden, Behind Cibo's (on the right), South Parade, Summertown.
Hatha Yoga Hazel FaithfullAll Welcome. Mixed ability classes combining breath movement and relaxation.
www.hazelfaithfull.co.uk / email: oxford.yoga@yahoo.co.uk / Tel. 07931 743785
10 - 11.30am six weeks £42. Drop in £9
Abbey rooms, Guildhall, Abingdon
Improver's Yoga Course Luisa RennieBuild strength, flexibility and focus with a view to developing self practice.
www.oxfordyogalotus.co.uk / email: luisajane@hotmail.com / Tel. 07905241123
6-7.30pm, £42 for six weeks
United Reformed Church (Summertown), 274a Banbury Road (opposite South Parade).
Therapeutic Yoga Anita LewisGentle movement, breath, relaxation to restore and enhance well being.
www.eau-de-vie.co.uk / email: anita@anitalewisyoga.com / Tel. 07726 841815
Tailored to the individual.
Eau De Vie, 34 Cowley Road
Lunchtime Pilates Class Ivana StarkovaStrenghten abs & lower back, ease back pain, improve posture, beginners.
www.ispilates.co.uk / email: enquiries@ispilates.co.uk / Tel. 07818062351
12.15 - 1pm, £8, £39 for 6
Jericho Community Centre, 33a Canal Street.
Ananda YogaTibetan yoga, beginners and mixed ability.
Tel. Emilia, 07776092373
4pm - 5pm. £65 / 12 sessions; £7 (£5) drop in
South Oxford Community Centre, Lake Street, off Abingdon Rd.
Phew I'm exhausted just looking at them all! Bicycle Polo or Pole Dancing though... what do you think? I shall spare you the almost as dizzying list of local dance classes - though they are also on the Daily Information site if you're curious. Then there's every kind of Baby Gym and Baby College for that insecure flabby little underachieving tyke of yours who's just desperate to shed his baby weight and win the Pulitzer whilst still in nappies.
Talking of literary awards, I am delighted to see that one of my favourite writers,
Diana Athill, has just won the Costa award at the age of 91. Hope for all we late starters and late overnight successes yet I think!
I first stumbled upon the writings of this impressive grande dame of literature some ten years ago as a volunteer in Oxfam Bookshop when her first autobiography 'Instead of A Letter' caught my eye when shelf-tidying. To this day I cannot explain why I picked it up as the jacket was rather bland and unremarkable. The contents however were anything but as she poignantly (but without a trace of self-indulgence) detailed her childhood and early adulthood from a family bosom of decaying English grandeur to the war years in the most beautiful detail with a depth of understanding and objectivity chronicalling all her loves and losses seldom seen, not to mention remarkable candour. She was a mere stripling of 46 when the book was published in 1963 and in-between a distinguished career as a literary editor for Andre Deutsche and others, has written a number of memoirs about the stages of her life since, including the excellent 'Stet' about her long history as a Literary Editor and what really goes on in the publishing world and its changes over the 20th Century. She has latterly cornered the market in what it is like to grow old in unflinching detail, but again with the most extraordinary and compelling grace. And she is perfectly right - far too much is written about being young compared to the virtually nothing that is written about being old, no matter that youth is such a fleeting state and small percentage of life compared to the remainder. Thus humanity needs to learn to love and value itself for the duration, and not just when at its most physically fit and desirable. The old are, as Ms Athill says, 'Reservoirs of experience' with a lot more to offer than they are often given credit for in the Western world. Certainly there is no going
gentle into that good night for Ms Athill.